Forcer l’envoie des mails en attente :

(Host_IronPort)> delivernow

Please choose an option for scheduling immediate delivery.
1. By recipient host
2. All messages
[1]> 2
Rescheduling all messages for immediate delivery.

Suspendre un listener

Si vous souhaitez temporairement ne plus recevoir ou émettre de message, vous devrez suspendre le listener adéquat.

(Host_IronPort)> suspendlistener

Choose the listener(s) you wish to suspend.
Separate multiple entries with commas.
1. All
2. IncomingMail
3. OutboundMail
[1]> 2

Enter the number of seconds to wait before abruptly closing connections.

Waiting for listeners to exit...
Receiving suspended for IncomingMail.

Note : attention, cela survie au reboot !

Relancer un listener

Si vous avez arrêté un listener et que vous souhaitez le relancer.

(Host_IronPort)> resumelistener

Choose the listener(s) you wish to resume.
Separate multiple entries with commas.
1. All
2. IncomingMail
3. OutboundMail
[1]> 2

Receiving resumed for IncomingMail.



Enter "status detail" for more information.

Status as of:                  Thu Jun 18 12:47:47 2015 CEST
Up since:                      Mon Jun 10 08:43:36 2015 CEST (8d 4h 4m 11s)
Last counter reset:            Never
System status:                 Online
Oldest Message:                6 days 13 mins 3 secs
Feature - McAfee:              30 days
Feature - Sophos Anti-Virus:   30 days
Feature - Bounce Verification: Perpetual
Feature - Centralized Management: 215 days
Feature - IronPort Anti-Spam:  198 days
Feature - IronPort Email Encryption: 30 days
Feature - RSA Email Data Loss Prevention: 30 days
Feature - Incoming Mail Handling: Perpetual
Feature - Outbreak Filters:    30 days

Counters:                               Reset          Uptime        Lifetime
    Messages Received              54,491,021         264,615      54,491,021
    Recipients Received            59,018,184         296,556      59,018,184
    Rejected Recipients               597,041           1,091         597,041
    Dropped Messages                   42,275           2,120          42,275
    Soft Bounced Events             1,858,032           6,044       1,858,032
    Completed Recipients           58,973,872         293,040      58,973,872
  Current IDs
    Message ID (MID)                                                 55508420
    Injection Conn. ID (ICID)                                       169346250
    Delivery Conn. ID (DCID)                                         27473021

Gauges:                               Current
    Current Inbound Conn.                   5
    Current Outbound Conn.                  2
    Active Recipients                   1,387
    Messages In Work Queue                  0
    Messages In Quarantine                  0
    Kilobytes Used                     16,736
      Kilobytes In Quarantine               0
    Kilobytes Free                 34,586,272

Note : Pour plus d’information (CPU par feature, …), il est possible d’utiliser la commande status details

Version de l’appliance

(Host_IronPort)> version

Current Version
Product: Cisco IronPort C370 Messaging Gateway(tm) Appliance
Model: C370
Version: 7.6.1
Build Date: 2012-12-02
Install Date: 2013-01-22 15:49:22
BIOS: 2.1.9C
RAID: 1.21.02-0528, 2.01.00, 1.02-014B
RAID Status: Optimal
RAID Type: 1
BMC: 1.85


(Host_IronPort)> featurekey

Module                              Quantity   Remaining   Expiration Date
Centralized Management              2          215 days    Tue Jan 19 12:10:50 2016
IronPort Email Encryption           1          30 days     Dormant
IronPort Anti-Spam                  25000      198 days    Sat Jan  2 12:13:30 2016
Sophos Anti-Virus                   1          30 days     Dormant
Bounce Verification                 1          Perpetual   N/A
Incoming Mail Handling              1          Perpetual   N/A
Outbreak Filters                    1          30 days     Dormant
RSA Email Data Loss Prevention      1          30 days     Dormant
McAfee                              1          30 days     Dormant

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ACTIVATE - Activate a (pending) key.
- CHECKNOW - Check now for new feature keys.

Configuration des Listener

(Host_IronPort)> listenerconfig

NOTICE: This configuration command has not yet been configured for the current cluster mode (Machine IronPort-Cluster).

What would you like to do?
1. Switch modes to edit at mode "Cluster Cluster_IronPort".
2. Start a new, empty configuration at the current mode (Machine IronPort).
3. Copy settings from another cluster mode to the current mode (Machine IronPort).
[1]> 1

Currently configured listeners:
1. Adm (on ADM) SMTP TCP Port 25 Private
2. From_Priv (on Virt3_Data1) SMTP TCP Port 25 Private
3. Into_Soc1 (on Virt2_Data1) SMTP TCP Port 25 Public
4. Into_Soc2 (on Virt1_Data1) SMTP TCP Port 25 Public

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new listener.
- EDIT - Modify a listener.
- DELETE - Remove a listener.
- SETUP - Change global settings.
- CLUSTERSET - Set how listeners are configured in a cluster.
- CLUSTERSHOW - Display how listeners are configured in a cluster.

Configuration d’interface

(Host_IronPort)> interfaceconfig

Currently configured interfaces:
1. ADM ( on Management: IronPort-ADMIN)
2. Bounce ( on Data 1: IronPort-BOUNCE)
3. Virt1_Data1 ( on Data 1:
4. Virt2_Data1 ( on Data 1:
5. Virt3_Data1 ( on Data 1:

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new interface.
- EDIT - Modify an interface.
- GROUPS - Define interface groups.
- DELETE - Remove an interface.

Routes SMTP

(Host_IronPort)> smtproutes

NOTICE: This configuration command has not yet been configured for the current cluster mode (Machine IronPort).

What would you like to do?
1. Switch modes to edit at mode "Cluster Cluster_IronPort".
2. Start a new, empty configuration at the current mode (Machine IronPort).
3. Copy settings from another cluster mode to the current mode (Machine IronPort).
[1]> 1

There are currently 20 routes configured.

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new route.
- EDIT - Edit destinations of an existing route.
- DELETE - Remove a route.
- PRINT - Display all routes.
- IMPORT - Import new routes from a file.
- EXPORT - Export all routes to a file.
- CLEAR - Remove all routes.
- CLUSTERSET - Set how SMTP routes are configured in a cluster.
- CLUSTERSHOW - Display how SMTP routes are configured in a cluster.
[]> print

There are currently 4 routes configured.

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new route.
- EDIT - Edit destinations of an existing route.
- DELETE - Remove a route.
- PRINT - Display all routes.
- IMPORT - Import new routes from a file.
- EXPORT - Export all routes to a file.
- CLEAR - Remove all routes.
- CLUSTERSET - Set how SMTP routes are configured in a cluster.
- CLUSTERSHOW - Display how SMTP routes are configured in a cluster.

Backup par mail

(Host_IronPort)> mailconfig

Please enter the email address to which you want to send the configuration file.
Separate multiple addresses with commas.

Do you want to mask the password? Files with masked passwords cannot be loaded using loadconfig command. [Y]>

The configuration file has been sent to

Affichage des filtres

(Host_IronPort)> filters

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new filter.
- DELETE - Remove a filter.
- IMPORT - Import a filter script from a file.
- EXPORT - Export filters to a file
- MOVE - Move a filter to a different position.
- SET - Set a filter attribute.
- LIST - List the filters.
- DETAIL - Get detailed information on the filters.
- LOGCONFIG - Configure log subscriptions used by filters.
- ROLLOVERNOW - Roll over a filter log file.
- CLUSTERSET - Set how filters are configured in a cluster.
- CLUSTERSHOW - Display how filters are configured in a cluster.
[]> list

Num Active Valid Name
  1   N      Y   AltSrcInt
  2   Y      Y   Filter_Whitelist
  3   Y      Y   Antispoofing_Enveloppe
  4   Y      Y   Antispoofing_Header

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new filter.
- DELETE - Remove a filter.
- IMPORT - Import a filter script from a file.
- EXPORT - Export filters to a file
- MOVE - Move a filter to a different position.
- SET - Set a filter attribute.
- LIST - List the filters.
- DETAIL - Get detailed information on the filters.
- LOGCONFIG - Configure log subscriptions used by filters.
- ROLLOVERNOW - Roll over a filter log file.
- CLUSTERSET - Set how filters are configured in a cluster.
- CLUSTERSHOW - Display how filters are configured in a cluster.


(Host_IronPort)> tail

This command is restricted to run in machine mode of the machine you are logged in to.  Do you want to switch to "Machine
IronPort" mode? [Y]>

Currently configured logs:
    Log Name            Log Type                      Retrieval           Interval
 1. antispam            Anti-Spam Logs                Manual Download     None
 2. antivirus           Anti-Virus Logs               Manual Download     None
 3. asarchive           Anti-Spam Archive             Manual Download     None
 4. authentication      Authentication Logs           Manual Download     None
 5. avarchive           Anti-Virus Archive            Manual Download     None
 6. bounces             Bounce Logs                   Manual Download     None
 7. encryption          Encryption Logs               Manual Download     None
 8. error_logs          IronPort Text Mail Logs       Manual Download     None
 9. euq_logs            Spam Quarantine Logs          Manual Download     None
10. euqgui_logs         Spam Quarantine GUI Logs      Manual Download     None
11. ftpd_logs           FTP Server Logs               Manual Download     None
12. gui_logs            HTTP Logs                     Manual Download     None
13. mail_logs           IronPort Text Mail Logs       Manual Download     None
14. repeng              Reputation Engine Logs        Manual Download     None
15. reportd_logs        Reporting Logs                Manual Download     None
16. reportqueryd_logs   Reporting Query Logs          Manual Download     None
17. scanning            Scanning Logs                 Manual Download     None
18. snmp_logs           SNMP Logs                     FTP Push - Host
19. sntpd_logs          NTP logs                      Manual Download     None
20. status              Status Logs                   Manual Download     None
21. system_logs         System Logs                   Manual Download     None
22. trackerd_logs       Tracking Logs                 Manual Download     None
23. updater_logs        Updater Logs                  Manual Download     None
Enter the number of the log you wish to tail.
[]> 13

Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Thu Jun 18 12:51:42 2015 Info: MID 55508656 Message-ID '<>'
Thu Jun 18 12:51:42 2015 Info: MID 55508656 Subject '=?iso-8859-1?Q?Retour


(Host_IronPort)> grep

Currently configured logs:
    Log Name            Log Type                      Retrieval           Interval
 1. antispam            Anti-Spam Logs                Manual Download     None
 2. antivirus           Anti-Virus Logs               Manual Download     None
 3. asarchive           Anti-Spam Archive             Manual Download     None
 4. authentication      Authentication Logs           Manual Download     None
 5. avarchive           Anti-Virus Archive            Manual Download     None
 6. bounces             Bounce Logs                   Manual Download     None
 7. encryption          Encryption Logs               Manual Download     None
 8. error_logs          IronPort Text Mail Logs       Manual Download     None
 9. euq_logs            Spam Quarantine Logs          Manual Download     None
10. euqgui_logs         Spam Quarantine GUI Logs      Manual Download     None
11. ftpd_logs           FTP Server Logs               Manual Download     None
12. gui_logs            HTTP Logs                     Manual Download     None
13. mail_logs           IronPort Text Mail Logs       Manual Download     None
14. repeng              Reputation Engine Logs        Manual Download     None
15. reportd_logs        Reporting Logs                Manual Download     None
16. reportqueryd_logs   Reporting Query Logs          Manual Download     None
17. scanning            Scanning Logs                 Manual Download     None
18. snmp_logs           SNMP Logs                     FTP Push - Host
19. sntpd_logs          NTP logs                      Manual Download     None
20. status              Status Logs                   Manual Download     None
21. system_logs         System Logs                   Manual Download     None
22. trackerd_logs       Tracking Logs                 Manual Download     None
23. updater_logs        Updater Logs                  Manual Download     None
Enter the number of the log you wish to grep.
[]> 13

Enter the regular expression to grep.

Do you want this search to be case insensitive? [Y]>

Do you want to tail the logs? [N]>

Do you want to paginate the output? [N]>

Define file selection pattern.

Wed May 20 03:41:46 2015 Info: MID 53722598 ICID 161154185 RID 0 To: <>
Wed May 20 03:41:56 2015 Info: MID 53722599 ICID 161154212 RID 0 To: <>


(Host_IronPort)> trace

Enter the source IP:

Enter the fully qualified domain name of the source IP (If left blank, a reverse DNS lookup will be performed on the source
IP. To clear the existing value, enter 'NONE'.):

Select the listener to trace behavior on:
1. Adm
2. Soc1
3. Soc2
4. Soc3
[1]> 3

Enter the domain name that has to be passed to HELO/EHLO.

Fetching default SenderBase values...
Enter the SenderBase Network Owner ID of the source IP.  The actual ID is N/A.
[N/A]> 2

Enter the SenderBase Reputation Score of the source IP.  The actual score is N/A.
[N/A]> 2

Enter the Envelope Sender address:

Enter the Envelope Recipient addresses.  Separate multiple addresses by commas.

Load message from disk? [Y]> n

Enter or paste the message body here. Enter '.' on a blank line to end.

Processing HAT (Listener: Soc1)
 - Fully Qualified Domain Name:
 - Matched On: CLEAN_REPUTATION Sender Group (host sbrs[-1.0:10.0])
 - Applying $ACCEPTED policy (ACCEPT behavior).

Policy Parameters:
 - Maximum Message Size:  20M (Default)
 - Maximum Number Of Connections From A Single IP:  10 (Default)
 - Maximum Number Of Messages Per Connection:  10 (Default)
 - Maximum Number Of Recipients Per Message:  50 (Default)
 - Maximum Recipients Per Hour:  Disabled (Default)
 - Use SenderBase For Flow Control:  Yes (Default)
 - Virus Detection Enabled:  Yes (Default)
 - Allow TLS Connections:  No (Default)
 - Accept Untagged bounces:  No

Processing MAIL FROM:
 - Default Domain Processing:  No Change

Processing Recipient List:
 - Default Domain Processing:  No Change
 - Domain Map:  No Change
 - RAT matched on test@domain1.Com, behavior = REJECT

Run through another debug session? [N]>

Dernière connexion admin

(Host_IronPort)> last

Username  Remote Host    Login Time        Logout Time       Total Time
========  =============  ================  ================  ==========
admin1    Thu Jun 18 12:20  still logged in   33m
admin2    Thu Jun 18 12:52  Thu Jun 18 12:53  0m


(Host_IronPort)> tophosts

Sort results by:

1. Active Recipients
2. Connections Out
3. Delivered Recipients
4. Hard Bounced Recipients
5. Soft Bounced Events
[1]> 1

Status as of:                   Thu Jun 18 12:54:50 2015 CEST
Hosts marked with '*' were down as of the last delivery attempt.

                                 Active  Conn.     Deliv.       Soft       Hard
#   Recipient Host               Recip.    Out     Recip.    Bounced    Bounced

1*                         145      0          0          0          0
2*    		                  114      0          0          0          0
3*   			            110      0          0          0          0
4*           					   43      0          0          0          0
5*                         36      0          0          0          0

6*             			 34      0          0          0          0
7*                     25      0          0          0          2
8*                  			 23      0          0          0          0
9*                    	 23      0          0          0          0

Status d’un domaine

(Host_IronPort)> hoststatus

Recipient host:

Host mail status for: ''
Status as of:         Thu Jun 18 12:55:17 2015 CEST
Host up/down:         up

    Soft Bounced Events                       12
    Completed Recipients                   1,503
      Hard Bounced Recipients                 64
        DNS Hard Bounces                       0
        5XX Hard Bounces                      64
        Filter Hard Bounces                    0
        Expired Hard Bounces                   0
        Other Hard Bounces                     0
      Delivered Recipients                 1,439
      Deleted Recipients                       0

    Active Recipients                          0
      Unattempted Recipients                   0
      Attempted Recipients                     0
      Current Outbound Connections             0
      Pending Outbound Connections             0

Oldest Message        No Messages
Last Activity         Thu Jun 18 12:55:02 2015 CEST
Ordered IP addresses: (expiring at Thu Jun 18 13:07:15 2015 CEST)
    Preference   IPs





MX Records:
    Preference   TTL        Hostname
    5            11m57s
    10           11m57s
    20           11m57s
    30           11m57s
    40           11m57s

    Last 5XX Error:
    550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try


(Host_IronPort)> diagnostic

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- RAID - Disk Verify Utility.
- DISK_USAGE - Check Disk Usage.
- NETWORK - Network Utilities.
- REPORTING - Reporting Utilities.
- TRACKING - Tracking Utilities.
- RELOAD - Reset configuration to the initial manufacturer values.
[]> network

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- FLUSH - Flush all network related caches.
- ARPSHOW - Show system ARP cache.
- NDPSHOW - Show system NDP cache.
- SMTPPING - Test a remote SMTP server.
- TCPDUMP - Dump ethernet packets.
[]> smtpping


Select a network interface to use for the test.
1. ADM
2. Virt1_Data1
3. Virt2_Data1
4. auto
[6]> 2

Do you want to type in a test message to send?  If not, the connection will be tested but no email will be sent. [N]>

Starting SMTP test of host
Connection to succeeded.
Command HELO succeeded
Command MAIL FROM succeeded.
Test complete.  Total time elapsed 5.01 seconds

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- FLUSH - Flush all network related caches.
- ARPSHOW - Show system ARP cache.
- NDPSHOW - Show system NDP cache.
- SMTPPING - Test a remote SMTP server.
- TCPDUMP - Dump ethernet packets.


(Host_IronPort)> netstat

Choose the information you want to display:
1. List of active sockets.
2. State of network interfaces.
3. Contents of routing tables.
4. Size of the listen queues.
5. Packet traffic information.
[1]> 1

1. IPv4 only.
2. IPv6 only.
[1]> 1

Show network addresses as numbers? [N]> y

Avoid truncating addresses? [N]>

nternet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp4       0      0     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0      ESTABLISHED

Utilisation disque

(Host_IronPort)> diagnostic

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- RAID - Disk Verify Utility.
- DISK_USAGE - Check Disk Usage.
- NETWORK - Network Utilities.
- REPORTING - Reporting Utilities.
- TRACKING - Tracking Utilities.
- RELOAD - Reset configuration to the initial manufacturer values.
[]> disk_usage

Services                      Disk Usage (GB)   Quota(GB)
Spam Quarantine                       0.0           2.5
Reporting                             4.1          17.0
Tracking                              0.1          20.0
Total                                 4.2          39.5

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- RAID - Disk Verify Utility.
- DISK_USAGE - Check Disk Usage.
- NETWORK - Network Utilities.
- REPORTING - Reporting Utilities.
- TRACKING - Tracking Utilities.
- RELOAD - Reset configuration to the initial manufacturer values.


(Host_IronPort)> nslookup

Please enter the host or IP address to resolve.

Choose the query type:
1. A       the host's IP address
2. AAAA    the host's IPv6 address
3. CNAME   the canonical name for an alias
4. MX      the mail exchanger
5. NS      the name server for the named zone
6. PTR     the hostname if the query is an Internet address,

 otherwise the pointer to other information
7. SOA     the domain's "start-of-authority" information
8. TXT     the text information
[1]> 1

A= TTL=4h 1m 1s

Stats en cours pour un domaine

(Host_IronPort)> hostrate

Recipient host:

Enter the number of seconds between displays.
[10]> 3

Type Ctrl-C to return to the main prompt.

    Time      Host  CrtCncOut   ActvRcp ActvRcp  DlvRcp HrdBncRcp SftBncEvt
            Status                        Delta   Delta     Delta     Delta
08:51:07        up          3        41       0       0         0         0
08:51:10        up          3        44       3       0         0         0
08:51:13        up          3        45       1       0         0         0
08:51:16        up          3        47       2       1         0         0
08:51:19        up          3        47       0       0         0         0

Mails en file d’attente

(Host_IronPort)> workqueue status

Status as of:  Fri Jun 19 08:52:42 2015 CEST
Status:        Operational
Messages:      0

Status et information de la SenderBase

(Host_IronPort)> sbstatus

SenderBase Host Status
Status as of:                    Fri Jun 19 08:52:27 2015 CEST
Host success/fail:               success

SBRS Status
Status as of:                    Fri Jun 19 08:52:27 2015 CEST
Host success/fail:               success

SenderBase Network Participation Status
Time of last SenderBase upload:  never

Stats en cours sur la file d’attente

(Host_IronPort)> workqueue rate

Type Ctrl-C to return to the main prompt.

Time      Pending    In   Out
08:53:28        0     0     0
08:53:38        0    11    11
08:53:48        0    10    10

Stats DNS

(Host_IronPort)> dnsstatus

Status as of: Fri Jun 19 08:54:42 2015 CEST

Counters:                    Reset          Uptime        Lifetime
  DNS Requests         467,385,596     467,182,112     467,385,596
  Network Requests      93,374,333      93,345,897      93,374,333
  Cache Hits           472,032,963     471,815,454     472,032,963
  Cache Misses          72,603,929      72,599,109      72,603,929
  Cache Exceptions     209,096,293     208,897,940     209,096,293
  Cache Expired         15,835,352      15,835,266      15,835,352

Afficher les messages dans la file d’attente

(Host_IronPort)> showrecipients

Please select how you would like to show messages:
1. By recipient host.
2. By Envelope From address.
3. All.
[1]> 3

Showing messages, please wait..

MID/     Bytes/    Sender/                 Subject
[RID]    [Atmps]   Recipient
56155715 1848                              Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
[0]      [49]

56164658 1850                               (Failure)
[0]      [48]

Affiche un message via son MID

(Host_IronPort)> showmessage

Enter the MID to show.
[]> 56345400

MID 56345400: 39 secs old

From unknown Fri Jun 19 14:57:25 2015
Received: from localhost by ;

Recherche d’un mail

(Host_IronPort)> findevent

Please choose which type of search you want to perform:
1. Search by envelope FROM
2. Search by Message ID
3. Search by Subject
4. Search by envelope TO
[1]> 2

Enter the Message ID (MID) to search for.
[]> 56345398

Currently configured logs:
    Log Name            Log Type                      Retrieval           Interval
 1. mail_logs           IronPort Text Mail Logs       Manual Download     None
Enter the number of the log you wish to use for message tracking.

Please choose which set of logs to search:
1. All available log files
2. Select log files by date list
3. Current log file
[3]> 3

Fri Jun 19 14:57:17 2015 Info: New SMTP ICID 171520023 interface Virt1_Data1 ( address reverse dns host verified yes
Fri Jun 19 14:57:17 2015 Info: ICID 171520023 ACCEPT SG SUSPECT_and_UNKNOWN_LIST match sbrs[none] SBRS unable to retrieve
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: Start MID 56345398 ICID 171520023
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 ICID 171520023 From: <>
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 ICID 171520023 RID 0 To: <>
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 Message-ID '<>'
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 Subject "Coucou IronPort"
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 ready 3165 bytes from <>
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 matched all recipients for per-recipient policy DEFAULT in the inbound table
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: MID 56345398 queued for delivery
Fri Jun 19 14:57:22 2015 Info: ICID 171520023 close
Fri Jun 19 14:57:10 2015 Info: New SMTP DCID 27801964 interface address port 25
Fri Jun 19 14:57:25 2015 Info: Delivery start DCID 27801964 MID 56345398 to RID [0]
Fri Jun 19 14:57:25 2015 Info: Message done DCID 27801964 MID 56345398 to RID [0]
Fri Jun 19 14:57:25 2015 Info: MID 56345398 RID [0] Response '2.6.0  <> Queued mail for delivery'
Fri Jun 19 14:57:25 2015 Info: Message finished MID 56345398 done
Fri Jun 19 14:57:31 2015 Info: DCID 27801964 close

Informations hardware

> ipcheck

  Ipcheck Rev           1
  Date                  Thu Jul 14 10:00:03 2015
  Model                 C370
  Platform              R710 (80AE)
  LCD Setting           custom
  LCD Text              Cisco IronPort C370
  MGA Version           Version: 7.5.1-111
  Build Date            2012-11-02
  Install Date          2012-11-22 15:49:22
  Burn-in Date          Unknown
  Serial No.            76A43456B789-G78917Y
  BIOS Version          2.2.17C
  RAID Version          1.21.02-0528, 2.01.03, 1.02-012B
  RAID Status           Optimal
  RAID Type             1
  RAID Chunk            Unknown
  BMC Version           1.85

  Disk 0                278GB     SEAGATE ST3300657SS     ES656DE6339K
  Disk 1                278GB     SEAGATE ST3300657SS     ES656DE33BQC
  Disk 2
  Disk 3
  Disk 4
  Disk 5
  Disk 6
  Disk 7
  Disk Total            556GB

  Root                  400MB 45%
  Nextroot              400MB 44%
  Var                   400MB 1%
  Log                   222GB 6%
  DB                    12GB 0%
  Swap                  8GB
  Mail Queue            35GB

  RAM 1 A               Empty
  RAM 1 B               Empty
  RAM 2 A               2048M ECC 1333MHz
  RAM 2 B               Empty
  RAM 3 A               2048M ECC 1333MHz
  RAM 3 B               Empty
  RAM 4 A               Empty
  RAM 4 B               Empty
  RAM 5 A               2048M ECC 1333MHz
  RAM 5 B               Empty
  RAM 6 A               2048M ECC 1333MHz
  RAM 6 B               Empty
  RAM 7 A               Empty
  RAM 7 B               Empty
  RAM 8 A               Empty
  RAM 8 B               Empty
  RAM 9 A               Empty
  RAM 9 B               Empty
  RAM Total             8G

  CPU 1                 Xeon 2G 4800FSB 1M Cache
  CPU 2                 Empty

  PCI 1                 PCI-e g2 x8, 4x Empty
  PCI 2                 PCI-e g2 x8, 4x Empty
  PCI 3                 PCI-e g2 8x Empty
  PCI 4                 PCI-e g2 8x Empty

  NIC Management        84:2b:2b:89:ab:22, NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5709)
  NIC Data 1            84:2b:2b:89:ab:24, NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5709)
  NIC Data 2            84:2b:2b:89:ab:26, NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5709)
  NIC Data 3            84:2b:2b:89:ab:28, NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5709)

  PS1                   Unknown
  PS2                   Unknown
  Key                   999day, IronPort Anti-Spam
  Key                   999day, Central Mgmt
  Key                   999day, IronPort Email Encryption
  Key                   999day, McAfee
  Key                   999day, Outbreak Filters
  Key                   999day, RSA Email Data Loss Prevention
  Key                   999day, Sophos
  Key                   Perpetua, Bounce Verification
  Key                   Perpetua, Receiving

les credits

# credits
This product proudly hand crafted by...
Lou "Has a kid" Zechtzer
Rich "Lord of Evil" Fielder
David Veach
Ben "Tamino" Cottrell
Martin "kemokid" Baker
Jeremy "FIPS" Felix
Drue Loewenstern
Krishna "Saint" Srinivasan
Sam "Edgar the Bug" Rushing
Bennett "You have a call" Ting
Eric "ListBot" Huss
James "Nightfall" Moore
Jesse Montrose
Andrew "Judge and Jury" Flury
Larry Rosenstein
Jan "chemosabe" Lindner
Lonhyn Jasinskyj
Katy "dakini" Burns
Michael "Pryankster" Cuddy
Naseem "Crystal Meth Chef" Choudhury
Brian "q" Harrison
Charlie Slater
Scott "S." Hutton
Nachiket "Peppersteak" Bahekar
Brennan Evans
Bernie "Milkshake" Hackett
Ben "Tsutomu" Hartwell
Gabe "DJ Malloc" Mahoney
Mark Peek

Annexe :

Cheat Sheet IronPort ESA CLI by Jens Roesen