ES - script pour les opérations sur les indexes
Alasta 28 Avril 2016 bigdata shell cli BigData elasticsearch
Description : Voici un script pour les opérations des indexes Elasticsearch.
Description :
Voici un script pour des opérations courantes basiques sur les indexes ES, telle que le delete, open, close et list.
Script :
./ -h
Description : Script to Elasticsearch operations.
Usage : [-h] [-l] [-S] [-D] -H <host> -P <port> -p <proxypass path> -c <command operation> -i <index>
-h : Help
-D : Debug script
-S : Web Server is HTTPS
-H : Elasticsearch host - mandatory
-P : Elasticsearch port - mandatory
-p : Web Server proxypass if is set (set -P to listen port of Web Server) - mandatory
-c : Command :
- delete
- open
- close
- list
-i : index
Note : il est possible de faire une requête en HTTP/HTTPS, au travers d’un Apache/NGINX en mode reverse proxy.
Liste des indexes
En direct
./ -H -P 9200 -c list
#####=> Result to list
health index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green logstash-2015.07.30 5 0 86 0 292.4kb 292.4kb
green logstash-2014.09.28 5 0 376 0 407.7kb 407.7kb
green kibana-int 5 0 3 0 43.3kb 43.3kb
green nodes_stats 1 0 42 0 648.4kb 648.4kb
yellow logstash-2014.10.22 5 1 17 0 40.1kb 40.1kb
green logstash-2014.10.18 5 0 7 0 36.3kb 36.3kb
yellow logstash-2016.04.27 5 1 32 0 151.6kb 151.6kb
green logstash-2014.09.08 5 0 114 0 242kb 242kb
yellow logstash-2016.04.28 5 1 45 0 245.2kb 245.2kb
Via un reverse proxy
./ -H -P 80 -p /my_elasticsearch -c list
#####=> Result to list
health index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green logstash-2015.07.30 5 0 86 0 292.4kb 292.4kb
green logstash-2014.09.28 5 0 376 0 407.7kb 407.7kb
green kibana-int 5 0 3 0 43.3kb 43.3kb
green nodes_stats 1 0 44 0 719.2kb 719.2kb
yellow logstash-2014.10.22 5 1 17 0 40.1kb 40.1kb
green logstash-2014.10.18 5 0 7 0 36.3kb 36.3kb
yellow logstash-2016.04.27 5 1 32 0 151.6kb 151.6kb
green logstash-2014.09.08 5 0 114 0 242kb 242kb
yellow logstash-2016.04.28 5 1 48 0 274.7kb 274.7kb
Fermer un index
./ -H -P 9200 -c close -i logstash-2014.10.22
#####=> Result to close
Fermer X index
./ -H -P 9200 -c close -i logstash-2014.10.*
#####=> Result to close
Ouverture d’un index
./ -H -P 9200 -c open -i logstash-2014.10.22
#####=> Result to open
Suppression d’un index
./ -H -P 9200 -c delete -i logstash-2014.10.22
#####=> Result to delete