IAM policies contraintes :

Restrict the API calls from the client public IP :

"aws:SourceIp": [""]

Restrict to one specific VPC Endpoint

"aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-1a2b3c4d"

Restrict to an entire VPC

"aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-111bbb22"

Restrict the region to API calls are made to

"aws:RequestedRegion": [ "eu-central-1" ]

Restrict based on tags

"ec2:ResourceTag/Project": "DataAnalytics"

Deny if MFA not used

"BoolIfExists": {"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": false}

Restrict to account from an AWS Organization


Force the presence of tag


Note: Use a Null condition operator to check if a condition key is absent at the time of authorization. In the policy statement, use either true (the key doesn’t exist — it is null) or false (the key exists and its value is not null).